Due to delayed departures caused by a series of labor disruptions at the steamship West Coast terminals yesterday, several vessels are expected to arrive Honolulu port behind schedule.
** Mahimahi 486W departed Long Beach Sun Jun 04 (instead of Sat Jun 03) and instead of arriving Wed Jun 07 is now expected to arrive at Honolulu Thu evening, Jun 08 with container availability to our team on Fri, Jun 09, 2023.
** RJ Pfeiffer 527W was late departing Tacoma and is enroute to Oakland as scheduled with departure from Long Beach expected Wed Jun 07.
Real-time information about your shipments is easily available through our Aloha Freight web portal or emailed reports. In addition to tracking milestones, view photos of your freight being received into our Mainland terminals as well as bill of lading and delivery receipt documents related to your shipment. Please contact your sales representative or our Customer Service Team at (310) 631-6116, cs@alohafreight.com for access.
Aloha Freight will continue to coordinate with the steamship line partners and provide updates immediately as known.
Thank you for your support.